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sábado, 7 de julho de 2007

I Still Cry

I Still Cry
Ilse DeLange

I'm making flowers out of paper
While darkness takes the afternoon
I know that they won't last forever
But real ones fade away to soon
Chorus :
I still cry sometimes when i remember you
I still cry sometimes when i hear your name
I said goodbye and i know you're alright now
But when the leaves start falling down i still cry
It's just that i recall september
It's just that i still hear your song
It's just i can't seem to remember
Forever more those days are gone
Chorus :
I still cry sometimes when i remember you
I still cry sometimes when i hear your name
I said goodbye and i know you're alright now
But when the leaves start falling down i still cry
I still cry sometimes when i remember you
I still cry sometimes when i hear your name
I said goodbye and i know you're alright now
But when the leaves start falling down i still cry
But when the leaves start falling down i still cry

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Nota: Este é um site pessoal, onde reúno tudo que aprecio e recolho da NET em termos de poesia, literatura, imagens e afins. Também coloco textos pessoais, ou de amigos. Não quero violar nenhum direito autoral, mas caso alguém se sinta "prejudicado" ou "violado" por eu gostar de seu trabalho, por favor, entre em contato clicando Aqui que retiro imediatamente. Poetheart